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7 Virtual Assistant Productivity Hacks

Thinking of Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

You are the most important part of your company. You are the one who started everything, and you will remain its beating heart.

Because of this, it is quite probable that you will get overwhelmed with so many responsibilities that you will either become exhausted from attempting to do all of them or you won’t complete any of them at all.

However, here is the most important time-saving tip that any entrepreneur who starts a firm has to know: You don’t have to do everything yourself!

To put it another way, you SHOULD NOT be doing everything by yourself.


  • There are some responsibilities that you may not like doing since you are unsure of the proper steps to take to complete them.
  • Because they take up so much of your time, there are some responsibilities that you probably would rather avoid.
  • There are certain chores that, due to their repetitive nature, there are certain chores that you may not enjoy performing as much as others.

Simply put, as the founder of your business, your time is valuable and limited. You have to choose which tasks are more important so you can focus on them.

And what about the other tasks, you ask? Cal Newport is one of those who understands how important it is to get things done by setting a schedule and sticking to it.

Hire a Virtual Assistant. Behold 7 Virtual Assistant Productivity Hacks.

1. The Social Hack

The use of social media in today’s world makes it possible to expand a company’s client base, cultivate an audience, and promote a product or service to that audience.

The upkeep of your social media accounts, on the other hand, might consume a significant amount of your time due to the fact that it is easy to get sidetracked or that it may become so monotonous and repetitive that you no longer want to engage in the activity.

If you hired a virtual assistant (VA) with experience in social media marketing, this responsibility would be removed from your plate. They are able to manage and maintain the up-to-date status of your social media profiles for around one hour to a couple of hours each day.

2. The Email Hack

Your email inbox has the potential to steal your attention and cause you to squander time without you even realizing it.

When most individuals get up in the morning, the first thing they do is check their email inbox. When they have finished looking through all of their messages, they may look up and realize that two hours have already passed.

That’s a total of two hours that you might have used for anything else.

When you have a virtual assistant, you have the option of utilizing a program like Lastpass to reveal your password to them so that they may sort through your email before you do it yourself.

In this position, they will take on the role of a gatekeeper.

You may supply a template for your virtual assistant to use as a response when responding to emails that are generic or frequent. Your virtual assistant is also able to eliminate unwanted emails and spam.

In this manner, when you access your inbox, you will see only the messages that are considered to be of the utmost importance, and you will be able to do so quickly.

3. The Leads Hack

The development of leads is essential, but doing so may quickly become tedious and is often somewhat time-consuming as well.

What you should do instead is build a standard operating process (SOP) for producing leads. This should include a series of qualifying questions, a collection of standards and procedures to adhere to, etc. Then you should hire a virtual assistant to do lead generation for you.

When you do this, you guarantee that when it is your chance to chat with the leads, the leads you are talking to are already predominantly warm or hot leads.

No more unsolicited phone calls. No more pre-qualifying.

Your virtual assistant may evaluate your prospects and bring to your attention only those who meet the criteria to become your clients or customers.

4. The Voice Hack

It is essential to respond quickly and thoroughly whenever a consumer contacts you. This demonstrates to them that you are concerned about them and that you are willing to provide assistance.

However, due to the fact that you have other responsibilities to attend to, it is impossible for you to successfully do this task by yourself.

You may get assistance with this from a representative of the customer care department.

This is true for any and all forms of phone calling, as well as the management of email.

Your VA can be your voice. He or she may take care of the more general calls, and the only calls that are transferred to you are the ones that are highly urgent and need your personal attention immediately.

5. The Content Hack

Whatever it is that you do for a living in this day and age, you absolutely need to have a website. In addition to that, a website needs content.

If you’re a writer by birth and you have the time to put pen to paper, then that’s fantastic.

If this is not the case, however, a virtual assistant (VA) who is proficient in writing may compose the text for you.

After you have uploaded the first information to your website, you may ask your virtual assistant (VA) to publish on your blog once or twice a week in order to keep your website current.

6. The Tech Hack

There are certain people that are skilled with technology. Some are simply not.

If you’re not, it’s alright. You do not need to be skilled in technology since, in reality, it is so simple to get mired in tinkering with settings and design and all of that other nonsense.

You need to just engage a virtual assistant (VA) who is proficient in technology to take care of this for you.

Simply describe to the relevant party the aesthetic you have in mind for your website as well as the features and capabilities you want it to have.

7. The To Do Hack

Now that you have so many responsibilities to hand off to your virtual assistant (VA), you need to be aware that there are ways in which you may optimize the delegation process so that it results in increased output from your VA.

It’s easy: just make sure that the responsibilities you assign to your virtual assistant (VA) are as comprehensive as is humanly feasible.

You should provide them with an outline of the overall task that you want them to do, such as “Write Content.”

After that, assign more specific subtasks, such as “one post for subject number one” and “publish to WordPress.” “Share on all of the social media sites.”

Your virtual assistant (VA) will have a crystal clear picture of what tasks they need to do in order to carry out their responsibilities in the quickest and most effective manner possible as a result of this.

I really hope that by reading our article on the 7 Productivity Hacks for Virtual Assistants, you’ve been inspired to get up and get to work!

Thinking of Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

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